Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Convert Your Website To Android App


100% customer satisfaction

Important: Do not place an order right away. Please contact me first

I'll convert your web /blog/web pages into great Mobile apps (Android and iPhone app). APK and IPA files are provided and in case If you require source code I will provide as well. It can be done for any kind of website: Wordpress, Shopify, Wix, etc.

All website features will work in the application as well. The app will look just like the website, it will update automatically when changes you make like a content update or article published. 

You will get a control panel to send lifetime push notifications.

Extra Features I can provide are:

- Pull to refresh

- Admob ads

- Push Notifications

- Side Navigation Menu

- Bottom Menu

- Floating Buttons

- How to use app Screens

- contact/about us

- map

- tap to call/email

- Share app

- Rate app

- Back/Forward Button

#Convert website to app

NOTE: App submission on Google Play store and  Apple app store under YOUR Developer Accounts(App approval on Apple app store will depend on your website)


: : : : :

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