Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Professional Android App Development


My name is Saim Hassan, I studied Msc computer computer science. I am an Android app developer with 1 years of experience in geolocation service, delivery services, CRM, real-time chats, and social media apps and real-time apps events.

I might be a good match if you are:
• A startup with a good idea, in search of an ambitious and reliable developer
• Searching for a dedicated long-term developer who knows the value of achieving daily commitments, giving responsive feedback, and meeting deadlines.

Android app expertise.

Java, Kotlin
Back-end development: Restful web services, Firebase Cloud function, Node.js, PHP
Implement a chat module (, web socket) for your app or create a chat app
Integrate third-party SDKs
Implement push notifications
Implement a map, GPS, and location views
Dagger 2, Data Binding
Implement a calendar view
Database: MySQL, SQLite,MsSql,Room
Social integration: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google
Version control: Git


Broadcast Receivers, Event Bus

Services, Job Scheduler


Design Patterns

Why choose me?

One month free support.

Unlimited revision.

Money back guarantee.

Customer satisfaction.

Clean Code


: : : : :

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