Thursday, January 14, 2021

Create Your Application In 3D For Android And Ios


Hello , 

I want to change the conventional way of development of native application by introducing a very unique way of development.As conventional/ native development has its drawbacks . In this world of advance technologies your Application should look like its from future and unfortunately native development of Applications lack ability to add iterative and live looks.

And I have a solution for this problem.Mainly application consists of 2 parts

  • Front-End 
  • Back-End.

Well for the back end.I will use APIs  for sever communications and implement database on servers and all other functionality (if you understand what I mean).

And for Front End I will use Unity to make your application have a 3D look. Like games have, plus we can easily use technologies Like Augmented Reality to make it more futuristic feel .As Unity is platform independent so you will have your application developed on Android and Iphone at the same time.

I have a working experience of 3 years in software development. I have a team of experienced 3D designers to meet your your requirements.

please discuss your idea before order.



: : : : :

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