Saturday, December 19, 2020

Develop Your Android App


My apps have landed top 10 in the App Store 3 times in the past year.

I developed a network of 18 transit apps across Canada and the United States that are used by close to 100,000 transit riders where we serve over 6 million advertisements annually.

I founded a company last summer where we had over 300 restaurant owners register for our services in the first 3 months.

I've developed for medical schools, universities, provincial parks, homeless shelters, and food banks.

I will only take on projects where I can comfortably provide my area of expertise. If I believe someone else is better suited for the job, I will make sure you know. Please do not take offense if I advise you to seek another developer here on Fiverr.

The development process will go through different stages:

  • Discussing the requirements
  • Prototyping the design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Launching to production

Please contact me before ordering so we can confirm your app requirements fall into the scope of my service.


: : : : :

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