Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Make Android Mobile Application


Hello and thanks for showing interest in my work. Perhaps you are looking for someone to help with your new android app design or upgrading your android app, then you have come to the right place. I will design your app exactly how you want it.  

I will also provide you with revisions of the app until and unless youre fully satisfied with my work.

Android app with custom front-end and back end connected to a realtime database and also includes user/s (as many as you like) authentication through firebase is what I'm known for.

Furthermore, I've recently developed a breathing app using animations too with 2 different modes (light and dark), you can check out its video as well.

For your specific orders, lets have a quick chat before we continue.

An example of my work can be seen on the pictures and the video I shared.

Thankyou for your interest once again. 




This guy rocks. Will work again soon

: : : :

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